Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Lolita 52 Challenge: #10!

Hi raspberries! I'm going to do number 10 of the Lolita 52 Challenge today.

#10: How I First Found Out About Lolita

I'll never forget when I first discovered lolita fashion. It was when I was about 12, and in the 6th grade. I had been heavily interested in Japanese culture since I was about 8 and started researching Japan through books at my school library, and eventually discovering manga and anime. Thankfully, I never really went through a "weeaboo" phase, or even an ita phase of lolita. I'd been into lolita since 6th grade but didn't start wearing it until the 9th or 10th, so I had years of learning about the style before jumping into it.
My first real exposure to lolita was through the English-Language Gothic & Lolita Bibles. I bought two copies of the magazine at Borders (remember Borders?) in the manga section, where I'd been perusing for magical girl manga. Below are the two copies I owned.

I loved these magazines and they really introduced me to the fashion. I used to look at the Baby, the Stars Shine Bright website all the time and dream about the dresses. These are the first two pictures of brand lolita I ever saw:

I love hearing people's stories of getting into lolita.  What's yours?

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